Tab X-Tractor Instructions: |
If you have a TabStar account please log in before following these instructions.
If you are a Full Account holder, when you are logged in the link below will have
your username and password encrypted with it and will log you in automatically
whenever you save a parsed song using Tab X-Tractor |
- Right click this link: Tab X-Tractor and choose 'Add To Favourites'
- If you see a message that says "You are adding a favourite that might not be safe"
it is ok to click "Yes" as you are adding the link from the TabStar website
- Visit an external site's tab page
- Click the Tab X-Tractor favourites link to open the Tab X-Tractor window without leaving the external site
- The Tab X-Tractor window will let you parse the tab into high quality TabStar tabs,
view them, and if you are a holder of the Full Account, save them straight in to TabStar!