
Tab X-Tractor

Help & Instructions  

Visit Your Favourate Guitar Tab Site,
And Parse Songs Straight In To TabStar Without Leaving The Site!

Not just a cool name, Tab X-Tractor lets you parse guitar tabs from external sites using a pop up window which appears in the site you are visiting! You don't even need to leave the external site to import the guitar tab as high quality TabStar tabs in to your own guitar tab archive.
TabStar's Tab X-Tractor is an addition to the parser which lets you open a popup window while inside an external tab site and parse the tab directly in to TabStar without leaving the external site. It's an excellent and useful addition to TabStar's tablature tools and will help you learn songs from external sources using TabStar's full high quality tablature rendering engine.
You can save songs parsed with the Tab X-Tractor in to your own personal guitar tab archive and they are exactly the same as the songs you create, you can edit them, upload sound files for the bars, analyze their key and save them as you would your own songs.

Tab X-Tractor Instructions:

If you have a TabStar account please log in before following these instructions.
If you are a Full Account holder, when you are logged in the link below will have
your username and password encrypted with it and will log you in automatically
whenever you save a parsed song using Tab X-Tractor
  1. Right click this link: Tab X-Tractor and choose 'Add To Favourites'
  2. If you see a message that says "You are adding a favourite that might not be safe"
    it is ok to click "Yes" as you are adding the link from the TabStar website
  3. Visit an external site's tab page
  4. Click the Tab X-Tractor favourites link to open the Tab X-Tractor window without leaving the external site
  5. The Tab X-Tractor window will let you parse the tab into high quality TabStar tabs,
    view them, and if you are a holder of the Full Account, save them straight in to TabStar!
Read about Tab X-Tractor in the Tab X-Tractor Help Page.