My Guitar Tabs


Guitar Tab Archive

TabStar lets you create your own guitar tablature archive. You can build your guitar tab archive using songs you write yourself, or you can "read in" and convert tabs you find across the internet and save them as high quality printable guitar sheet music. You can read more about converting guitar tabs from the "text-style" tabs found elsewhere in to TabStar tabs on the Tab Converter page.


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The 'My Guitar Tabs' area in TabStar is where you access your online tablature archive. You can use it as a launch pad to open songs for editing or view them quickly in your browser. You can also use your tab archive to view your sheet music as high-resolution, print quality PDFs which you can print, save or email.

Your guitar tablature archive works alongside the Sharing Centre in TabStar where you can share your sheet music with your contacts so they can look or edit the songs (if you give them permission) so you can work collaboratively together.













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