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Tablature Generator
F# Neutral Pentatonic
Pentatonic scales are widely used in rock and blues to create powerful solos. These scales are relatively easy to learn and will sound great played over chord progressions.
Don't forget you can use TabStar's entire Guitar Chord, Scale and Key reference section while creating your own guitar tablature right here in TabStar. Use
to analyse the content of your guitar tablature and find its key as you are creating it to help you build your tabs quickly and more accurately. TabStar's reference pages and KeyFinder integrate seamlessly into the Create Tablature page.
Notes in this key: F#, G#, B, C#, E
Other scales you can play over this key:
E Major Pentatonic
C# Minor Pentatonic
E 5 (Open)
E 6 (Open)
E Major (Open)
F# 11 (Open)
C# Minor
Fr 1
B 5
Fr 2
B Sus 4
Fr 2
F# 5
Fr 2
F# 7 Sus 4
Fr 2
F# Sus 4
Fr 2
C# 5
Fr 4
C# 7 Sus 4
Fr 4
C# Minor
Fr 4
C# Minor 7
Fr 4
C# Sus 4
Fr 4
E Major
Fr 4
F# Major
Fr 4
E 6
Fr 5
C# Minor
Fr 6
D# 6
Fr 6
E 6/9
Fr 6
B 5
Fr 7
B Sus 4
Fr 7
E 5
Fr 7
E Major
Fr 7
C# 5
Fr 9
C# 7 Sus 4
Fr 9
C# Minor
Fr 9
C# Minor 7
Fr 9
C# Minor 9
Fr 9
C# Sus 4
Fr 9
E Major
Fr 9
F# 11
Fr 9
F# 5
Fr 9
F# 7 Sus 4
Fr 9
F# Sus 4
Fr 9
E 6/9
Fr 11
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